Meet Bakuchiol: Your Skin’s New Best Friend


Ever heard of bakuchiol (pronounced buh-koo-chee-all)? It’s the new kid on the block in the skincare world, and it’s here to shake things up! Derived from the babchi plant, this natural powerhouse has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for ages.


No surprise here—everyone (myself included!) is jumping on the brand new Bakuchiol Duo!  While retinol is known for its anti-aging benefits, it can be really harsh on the skin, leading to irritation, dryness, and redness. But what if you could enjoy all the perks of retinol—like boosted collagen, quicker cell turnover, fewer wrinkles, and brighter skin—without the harsh side effects? Well, now you can!


The Bakuchiol Duo is a gentle, plant-based alternative to retinol that’s perfect for all skin types.  I only wish I had Lemongrass Spa products back in my late teens and early 20s when I was struggling with terrible acne. Today, I love my skin, but I still have reminders of those acne days, like scarring and hyperpigmentation. And let’s not forget those “angry 11’s” between my eyes and the fine lines that come with being 47.  So, Bakuchiol Facial Serum and Cloud Creme, it’s time to level up my skin care game! 


What’s the Deal with Retinol?


Retinol is like the classic rockstar of skincare. It’s been around forever, and it’s famous for its anti-aging magic. Made from vitamin A, retinol boosts collagen, speeds up cell turnover, and smooths out wrinkles and dark spots. Sounds amazing, right? Well, it comes with a catch – it can be pretty harsh, causing dryness, redness, and even peeling, especially if your skin is on the sensitive side.


Bakuchiol vs. Retinol: The Showdown



1. Superpowers


Retinol: Think of retinol as the seasoned pro with decades of experience. It’s proven to be super effective at reducing wrinkles and fine lines, backed by tons of studies.

Bakuchiol: The underdog that’s quickly proving its worth. Recent research shows bakuchiol can deliver similar anti-aging benefits without the harsh side effects. A 2018 study found it’s just as good as retinol at tackling photoaging, but way gentler.


2. Skin-Friendly


Retinol: The rockstar with a bit of an attitude. It can irritate, dry out, and make your skin red, and it’s not friends with the sun.

Bakuchiol: The chill, easy-going buddy everyone loves. It’s much gentler, works for all skin types (even sensitive ones), and doesn’t make you hide from the sun.


3. When to Use


Retinol: A nighttime warrior. Because it makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight, it’s best used before bed. Start slow and build up your tolerance.

Bakuchiol: The all-day companion. It’s cool to use both day and night, no sun sensitivity here, making it a breeze to add to your routine.


4. Where It Comes From


Retinol: Either from animal products or whipped up in a lab.

Bakuchiol: Straight from the babchi plant, 100% natural and vegan-friendly.

(I know which one sounds more appealing to me!)


5. Baby on Board?


Retinol: Not advised during pregnancy or nursing – it’s on the no-go list.

Bakuchiol: Safe for use when expecting or nursing, but always check with your healthcare provider just to be sure.


The Verdict


Bakuchiol and retinol both have their perks. Retinol is like the tried-and-true classic with a bit of a wild side, while bakuchiol is the fresh, natural newbie that’s super gentle and easygoing.

If you’ve got sensitive skin or prefer natural ingredients, bakuchiol might just be your new BFF. But if you’re after the most powerful anti-aging punch and your skin can handle it, retinol could be the way to go.

Whichever you choose, your skin will thank you for the love and care. Happy skincare adventures!


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