Who’s a Shoobie?
Do you know what a Shoobie is? I was a Shoobie for years and didn't even know it! If you know, you know. If you don't, read on!
Lemongrass Spa Business Opportunity FAQs
Curious about the Lemongrass Spa Business Opportunity? Take a look at some FAQs and learn why I joined over 9 years ago! The answer may surprise you!
Every week from Friday at 5pm through Saturday at 5pm, I take a mental break from work all social media, emails, and texting if at all possible. For 24 consecutive hours, I am unplugged, unavailable, and living in the moment. How did this all start? And why would I choose to do such a thing?
A Little Goes a LONG Way!
When I first started using Lemongrass Spa products, I was using WAY too much! I was used to products with fillers! Lemongrass Spa has no fillers, so a little truly does go a long way!
My Addiction to Chapstick
ChapStick addiction is real! The more I applied, the more dehydrated my lips became! Hear how I overcame my ChapStick addiction and see if the ingredients in your lip balm could be causing you to be addicted too!
Artful Agenda; A Digital Planner
Why I love my digital "Artful Agenda" planner – stickers, color coding, unlimited lists, searchable events, repeating events, this planner does #allthethings!