As the clock ticks toward midnight on December 31st, we stand at a remarkable threshold. In a matter of seconds, one year comes to a close, and a new one begins. There’s something profound about this transition—a hard stop of the past followed by a fresh start of a beginning. It’s like crossing a finish line of one race only to hear the starting gun go off for the next race.

But before you rush headlong into the excitement of the new year, pause. The moments between endings and beginnings hold a special kind of power. This is your time to reflect, to refine, and to set your intentions for the journey ahead.

Reflection often begins with remembering, and in today’s world, our memories are often stored right in our pockets. Pull out your phone and swipe through your camera roll. If you’re like me, you’ll find hundreds—maybe thousands—of moments frozen in time.

What stories do those photos tell? A laughing friend, a quiet sunset, an achievement you worked so hard for—each one holds a memory worth celebrating or a lesson worth learning. Let these snapshots guide you as you reflect on the year behind you.

As you scroll, ask yourself:

  • What were my biggest accomplishments this year?
  • What challenges did I face, and how did I grow from them?
  • What brought me joy or fulfillment?
  • What am I most grateful for this year?
  • What surprised me about myself?

The Bible often speaks of refining as a metaphor for personal growth. Psalm 66:10 acknowledges that God uses tests and trials to refine His people:

“For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver.”

And from Isaiah 48:10:

“See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.”

This process of refining is not always easy. Challenges, disappointments, and trials test us, but they also shape us. Take time to reflect on how the fires of the past year have molded you. What lessons have you learned? What habits held you back?

Refinement is a process, but it’s one that prepares us for what’s next.

Once you’ve reflected and refined, it’s time to dream. Don’t rush this part—sit down with a journal and your favorite pen. Maybe even treat yourself to a coffee date and work through these questions prayerfully and thoughtfully:

  • What do I want to focus on or improve in the coming year?
  • What habits or routines will help me grow?
  • What relationships do I want to nurture more?
  • What’s one new thing I want to try or learn?
  • What word, theme, or Bible verse will guide my year?

Choosing a guiding Bible verse can be a powerful anchor. Pick one that resonates with your heart and carry it with you as you step into the new year. Literally, carry it with you: write it on post-it notes and put them in your car, at your desk, in your kitchen, and on your bathroom mirror, so it’s visible every day.

The beauty of a new year is its untapped potential. It’s a time to celebrate what has been, refine what needs work, and step boldly into what’s to come. Let this be a year of growth, joy, and purpose—a year where you lean into both the challenges and the blessings.

So as the clock strikes midnight, don’t just look forward. Look back with gratitude, reflect with intention, and move forward with hope. Here’s to a year of refinement and renewal.


One comment on “A New Year: Reflect, Refine, and Renew”

  1. What a great year end and beginning of the year activity. I will need to set aside time to reflect, refine, and renew.

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