Lemongrass Spa Business Opportunity FAQs
Curious about the Lemongrass Spa Business Opportunity? Take a look at some FAQs and learn why I joined over 9 years ago! The answer may surprise you!
Every week from Friday at 5pm through Saturday at 5pm, I take a mental break from work all social media, emails, and texting if at all possible. For 24 consecutive hours, I am unplugged, unavailable, and living in the moment. How did this all start? And why would I choose to do such a thing?
A Cleansing Oil?
I already have oily skin; how can a cleansing oil help me? Guess what? Oil combats oil! Prepare to be surprised!
A Little Goes a LONG Way!
When I first started using Lemongrass Spa products, I was using WAY too much! I was used to products with fillers! Lemongrass Spa has no fillers, so a little truly does go a long way!
My Addiction to Chapstick
ChapStick addiction is real! The more I applied, the more dehydrated my lips became! Hear how I overcame my ChapStick addiction and see if the ingredients in your lip balm could be causing you to be addicted too!
Artful Agenda; A Digital Planner
Why I love my digital "Artful Agenda" planner – stickers, color coding, unlimited lists, searchable events, repeating events, this planner does #allthethings!